Latest news

May 1, 2006:

I committed the plugins' code to SVN and started writing the plugin page. Existing plugins are not that useful, and should be considered nothing more than examples; even that, they still demonstrates the power of Yadoda.


Last changes:
May 1, 2006



Before dowloading and compiling the source code, make sure you have correctly installed these tools and libraries:

Check it out

Yadoda is at the early stage of development and we don't release neither a precompiled package, nor a self configuring procedure (such as autoconf). Compilation has always been done using the Eclipse IDE. Any how, a very primordial Ant build file exists and can be used to build and run the application. All you have to do is to edit the build.preferences file on top of the subproject directories: change the paths of the jar files in order to point to some valid locations on your filesystem. To check it out, follow these simple steps (for Unix users):

% svn co yadoda
% cd yadoda/core
yadoda/core% ant jar

Now you have to edit the yadoda/webcrawler/build.preferences file according to the YadodaCore.jar file location (changing it to ../core/YadodaCore.jar should be enough).

yadoda/core% cd ../webcrawler
yadoda/webcrawler% ant jar

As before, edit the yadoda/gui/build.preferences file according to the YadodaCore.jar and YadodaWebCrawler.jar locations.

yadoda/webcrawler% cd ../gui
yadoda/gui% ant jar

If the compilation is successful, run Yadoda with:

yadoda/gui% ant run